2025 Committees
Activities & Education
To plan and schedule tours, field days, and conferences to share information on the Texas Section. To promote policies and disseminate information about the activities, goals, and aspirations of the Section under the direction of the President and BOD. The committee will also work on updates to the TSSRM display (develop different themes), update publications, etc.
Annual Meeting
To plan and organize the annual meeting that includes a Board of Directors meeting, a Section business meeting and a program for members and guests.
Co-chair: Lalo Gonzales
Co-chair: Silverio Avila -
The primary purpose of this committee is to select recipients for the Section Awards to be honored at the Annual Meeting and to nominate Section members for SRM Honor Awards.
Chair: Ryan Kennedy
College Activities
To promote the participation of college and university students in the Texas Section and other activities relating to range management and to promote scholarship and leadership among students of range management at the college or university level.
Chair: Rider Combs
Endowment Fund
To raise funds for the TSSRM Endowment Fund. Additional responsibilities include coordination on Endowment Fund management/investment with the Section Treasurer, Financial Institution managing the Fund and/or Professional Financial Planner selected by the Board.
Grass Roots Awards
To select recipients in each category of the County Level Awards Program to be honored at the Section Annual Meeting.
Co-Chair: Sawyer Warick
Co-Chair: Stacey Hines -
Oversee and manage the TSSRM investments with advice from a Registered Broker/Dealer and Registered Investment Advisor of the selected financial investment firm, IPI Professionals. Each fund committee (MSF, BWMSF, YACEF, EF) will have its own sub-account with IPI Professionals. Composed of three members appointed by the BOD. TSSRM Treasurer will serve as an advisory member.
Chair: Benjamin Turner
Support a mentoring program within the Section. Designed to provide young professional and student TSSRM members with section networking opportunities, leadership skills, and insight to a pool of rangeland experience that is unparalleled.
Chair: Dan Caudle
Chair: Rode Mills
Nominations & Elections
To select the slate of officers for the Texas Section. In addition, the committee seeks out nominees for the Society’s 2nd Vice President and Director positions.
Chair: Caitlyn Cooper-Norris
Outstanding Rangeland Management
To recognize Texans who have demonstrated outstanding skill and knowledge in practicing sound management and care of rangeland resources.
Chair: Morgan Treadwell
To provide continuing review and development of the Section organization, administration, financing, programs, short-term and long-range goals. This committee also accepts nominations for future annual meeting host cities and nominates one to the Board of Directors as the future host site (generally 3 years out). The responsibility of this committee is in areas that require action by the Board or the Section’s Membership for any proposed changes; therefore, this committee will be advisory to the Board.
Chair: Matthew Coffman
Public Affairs
To assist the Section and its officers by providing guidance in matters involving public affairs relating to the concerns of state and national range resources and uses. The committee provides the mechanism for the Section to exert constructive influence on decisions and actions, which have bearing on the welfare of range ecosystems and their products.
Chair: Jason Sawyer
Publication Awards
To recognize literary and scholarly efforts in publicizing range management practices, philosophies and research activities.
Chair: Aaron Norris
To review and recommend action to the BOD on resolutions and position statements proposed by a Section committee or member. A secondary purpose is to reduce the chance that the Section will accept or reject resolutions without adequate time for review and consideration of necessary documentation and/or discussion of all elements involved and to ensure that resolutions reflect a majority of opinion of the membership.
To develop a sustaining Section Scholarship Program and select recipients of annual scholarships. At present, this includes two scholarship fund programs: the TSSRM Memorial Scholarship Fund, and the Bill Wyche, Jr. Memorial Scholarship Fund. The TSSRM Memorial Scholarship is presently awarded through the State 4-H Foundation process. The Bill Wyche, Jr. Memorial Scholarship Board of Directors selects its scholarship’s recipient.
Young Professionals
To facilitate interaction among young professionals and to establish a mentoring program.
Chair: Doriann (Dori) Damerau
Youth Activities
To initiate and sustain viable educational programs for youth, especially below college age.
Chair: Ryan Kennedy
Co-chair: Chase Brooke
Co-chair: Dandy Kothmann