Photo Contest

Texas Photo Contest Categories

  • Plants

  • Native Wildlife

  • People

  • Ranching & Livestock

  • Texas Landscapes

  • Annual Meeting Theme: “Energy, Fire, and Water: Impacts on Texas Rangelands”

Judging Criteria

  • Relevancy to category topic

  • Composition/Arrangement

  • Focus/Sharpness

  • Creativity of Title and Description

Contest Rules

  • Deadline for final submission is September 20th, 2024. THERE IS NO ENTRY FEE.

  • There is no entry fee but only current TSSRM members may participate.

  • The winners will be announced at the Annual Meeting. Participants do not need to be present to win.

  • The Photo Contest committee may select at least one photo from each photographer to be placed into a PowerPoint Presentation to be used between speakers at the annual meeting.

  • Photos may be considered for use on the SRM website, TSSRM website, Grass Roots newsletter and/ or in other official SRM and TSSRM publications without compensation. Submission via email officially authorizes SRM/TSSRM to use the photos in these venues without further notification.

  • Photos should be taken at a better resolution for printing and cropped photos must be to the proper dimensions. Please do not include a watermark on the photos so that the judging will be fair and impartial. All photos will be judged on a 4X6 size. First place of each category will be printed on an 8X10. Reserve Grand Champion and Grand Champion photos will be printed on an 11X14.

  • Photos will be judged by someone outside of TSSRM prior to the meeting. The photo contest committee reserves the right to screen the entries prior to submission to the outside judge.

  • Limit of twenty (20) entries per member per year.

  • All photos submitted must be in JPG or TIF format (no BMP, GIF, etc. accepted).

  • Submission via email to:

  • Photographer MUST choose a category for each photo. Failure to do so will have your entry considered incomplete and will be returned to you for correction. Failure to correct will result in photo not being considered for judging.

Photo Submission

Email Subject: Photo Contest Entry

  • Attachment: Category_Photographer Name_Photo Title Example: Ranching & Livestock_John Doe_Getting Nose To Nose

  • Body of Email:

    • 1. Description of photo

    • 2. Location where photo was taken

    • 3. Contact information including name, mailing address, email address & phone number

2022 Photo Contest Winners

2021 Photo Contest Winners